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The People Movement Portal is LIVE!


Citi Logik is delighted to announce the launch of the People Movement Portal; a new way to access people movement analytics that makes insights more accessible than ever before!

"This is a game-changer for mobile network data (MND) analytics."

Our new self-service portal offers a variety of templates for everyday use-cases and a suite of built-in tools to analyse & explore the data in more detail.

As well as raw data in a downloadable spreadsheet, each dataset comes with a comprehensive report showing detailed key insights. This includes data tables, charts, and even key statistics. Most datasets also come with an interactive map tool that helps unlock the data's power and examine different perspectives.

Key insights in the location insights report including visits, journeys, purpose, mode, dwell and demographics.
Location Insights Report

Citi Logik can deliver a wide range of people movement analytics such as:

  • No. of visits (including repeat visits)

  • Journey distances

  • Origins & destinations

  • Journey purpose (commute, leisure, etc.)

  • Mode of travel (walk/cycle, road, rail, etc.)

  • Dwell time

  • Demographics (age, gender, etc.)

  • And much more!

All these insights are powered by automation, allowing datasets to be delivered at a highly competitive price point compared to traditional projects. Local and regional authorities are already using the portal to analyse footfall trends in town centres, measure COVID recovery and understand how mode share is impacted by rail strikes, hot weather and targeted interventions.

"The portal ends reliance on old, static data sources. Now you can adapt to changing conditions and ensure you always have current, relevant insights."

People Movement Portal - The Basics

Datasets are available for specific types of analysis that will:

  • Find the best location to place electric vehicle (EV) charge points

  • Analyse traffic flows to and around a location

  • Look at spending data coupled with MND

  • Get information on mode share and carbon emissions

  • See how footfall in a town centre changes over time

  • Examine detailed journey information around major events such as football matches and festivals

​"Our portal is a game-changer for mobile network data (MND) analytics. We are pleased to be able to offer affordable insights - on demand - to a wide range of customers across numerous markets. With data going back to the start of 2019, we will deliver customer value that other solutions can't compete with. Crucially, the portal ends reliance on old, static data sources. Now you can adapt to changing conditions and ensure you always have current, relevant insights."

- Chris Bax, CEO of Citi Logik

Getting the right insights is easy:

  1. Choose from a range of templates

  2. Create your dataset using the wizard

  3. Review your insight report

  4. Explore your data in the interactive map


Sound good? Give it a try for free... register for your trial access here:

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